Alternative fuel filtration system

In the spring of 2016, I was part of a team that built an alternative fuel refinement system. This system was solar powered. Using the solar array, it was able to run a control loop with a centrifuge and water heating system.

First, I designed an AVR based control system board. This board had three switches to actuate various pumps in the system, as well as capacity for several temperature sensors.


Next, we did some regular maintenance. We checked that the solar system put out 60 Volts, and reworked the rest of the electronics for the system as well to be compatible with a new 12 volt pump.


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We also made all of the piping for the system much more tidy with solid, rather than flexible piping. Some of our cleaned up piping work is shown below.


And finally, this was the final version of the control system. This picture was taken before I cleaned up the wiring, but it gives a good picture of what we did nonetheless.
